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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Welcome Back!

Hey everyone!

We know it's been a long summer, so we just wanted to make sure you had a good one. Halloween  is just around the corner, so here are some tips on making it green.

-Use a reusable bag for trick-or-treating
-Make your own costume! Share your creativity as well as helping save the environment by not buying a store-bought costume that's made out of plastic and more yucky materials.
-Throw away those wrappers! When you're done with the fun, throw it away and everbody won!

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Our Video!

Now you can watch our video right here!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Green Flash!!!!

Hey Guys,

So if you have been following us you pretty much know that we have posted a lot of tips for you guys to follow and try. Well just following our tips is a big help in your community, but not only can you follow our tips, but you can record them! Tomorrow we will post a green schedule that will able you to record what you did that day that helped the environment.So be on the lookout for when we post our schedule! If by any chance u have problems opening up or using the schedule please let us know by simply posting a comment on one of our posts. Remember: Be Green, Stay Green

Friday, July 2, 2010

New Staff Member

Good2begreen is proud to announce a new staff member. We now have an editor! He will help us edit our posts. Congratulations, editor Hunter!

Share our blog! Share good2begreen with your friends, family, foes, etc. Make the community a better place.

Want to watch a video on how to be green? Well watch our video! The password is go green
. There is no space. Here is the link: http://vimeo.com/12756313

And remember, be green, stay green.

Tip of the Week

Cow Meat- Eco-Friendly?

Definitely not. Think about it, you want nice, juicy steak or beef, right? Not thin with little flavor. So to make this meat taste better, the source of the meat, A.K.A cows, need to eat more of their food, grass. They need a lot of grass, which means a lot of land. This also costs more money. Technically, eating smaller things like, well, bugs, would be a lot better for your wallet, health, and environment. Bugs: don't need land, they are easy, free, and you can grill them yourself. Plus, sometimes there are growth hormones in cow-produced meat.

Here's a fact that may sound funny, but is actually serious: Everyone farts. It's natural. And with our farts, we produce small amounts of methane, which very slightly hurts the environment. Cow farts hurt a lot more. They produce a lot more methane, which is a HUGE factor in Global Warming. In fact, "The United Nations has declared the methane from cow emissions the "'greatest threat to the climate, forests, and wildlife.'" Livestock emissions are responsible for 18% of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming. That's more than all forms of transportation put together." Cited directly from: http://ask.yahoo.com/20070419.html
That's a lot of cow farts.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Share with your friends

Share our site everywhere! Follow us on Twitter!

The more the green, the merrier.

Remember, be green, stay green.

Spread Firefox!

Firefox is very awesome, and we encourage everyone to use it. Firefox also helps parks such as Namoroka Park! Go Firefox!

Spread Firefox Affiliate Button

Want your own button? Go to http://www.spreadfirefox.com to do so!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Tip of the Week

Our tip of the week is:

Suspend or hibernate your computer. Whenever you finish using it (and nobody's using it after you) suspend or shut it down. This will help save a lot of power, and a lot of money! A two-in-one combination. Who doesn't like saving the environment at the same time as saving money? Yup.

Remember, be green, stay green.


Thursday, June 24, 2010


Hey everyone,

If you remember when we first started this blog we were thinking about doing some green contests!!!! Well we have some ideas, but we cant start doing anything until we get more followers. So try telling your friends about this blog and tell them to follows so we start to pick up are pace and start fun activities. Remember, Be Green, Stay Green.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Watch Our Video! (For REAL)

Sorry everyone, we realize our video was a little hard to access. Now, you can ACTUALLY see it!

Go to this site:


And type in this word: go green
No caps, and a space!

Remember, be green, stay green!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Weekly Tip: Playing Outside

This week our tip is.....playing outside! We all love computers and watching T.V, but not only is that bad for you its bad for the environment. All of the gadgets that we love mostly involve electricity. Keep in mind that whenever the weathers sunny you could be playing outside and going green. You should try to save the electronics for rainy days. Also try to limit using these gadgets for up to 30 min to an hour at the most. Remember, Be Green, Stay Green
Hey Everyone!

We recently finished our video. Want to see it? Well, here it is!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Going Green

Going Green
By Yuki K-B

Everyone is talking about the newest trend- going green. But what does it mean to go green? Does it mean to just recycle? Does it mean to wear green? Being green is much more then that. It's more like a way of life. Even a little thing such as turning off the lights can save our environment. Everything makes a lasting impact, whether it's good or bad. So let's try and control our carbon footprint and make it better.

Everyone can go green. Here are a few things that might SEEM like little changes, but in reality, can make a huge difference.
  • Bring a tote bag instead of using one plastic grocery bag then throwing it away.
  • Use those metal bottles! Every hour, 2.5 million plastic beverage bottles are thrown away.
  • Recycle, recycle, recycle! Recycling helps so much. It will reduce the amount of waste we have by reusing the materials you recycle!

Just with those simple tips, you can change a lot of things. But why go green? It's really easy! And, it helps your community become a better place. For example, the oil spill. You have all probably heard about this recent disaster. Because of the oil leaking into the ocean, all they animals are being covered in gooey, icky, oil. Everyone is trying to save the poor creatures from dying. Here's one thing you can do to help a tiny bit. When you are on the beach, never leave your garbage lying around, throw it away! If, say, a 6-pack Coke plastic rings gets loose into the ocean, a bird might get suffocated when the rings go around its neck. Another example are plastic bags. Sea Turtles love eating jellyfish, and sometimes they mistake a floating plastic bag for one.

Being green is so important; in fact, if we don't be green, our planet will become so polluted that it won't be sustainable for us to live on! That brings us to another tip,- not driving. Whenever you drive to a store, rethink it. Is it close enough so you can bike? Or even closer- in walking distance? Not only do you help the environment, but you also get some exercise. When you go to school, how do you get there? Do you bike, walk, scooter, pogo-stick, drive..? Or do you carpool? If you drive to school because it's too far away to bike, carpool! Hook up with a friend who also drives, so that you use only one car instead of two. If you normally bike to school, and it's raining, carpool! If everyone in the world carpooled, the world would be a much greener place.

So wherever you are, whenever it is, try and add a little green flair into your daily activities. If you followed our tip of the day, and now our tip of the week, tell your friends and family about these ways in which you can become more environment friendly. Follow us on Twitter! Our username is:
Green4thegood. On Twitter, we post our recent happenings and tips, but a shortened version. Our full tips are all available on our website: http://good2begreen.blogspot.com/ Stay tuned for our upcoming video! In our Green Video, we'll not only tell you, but also SHOW you how to use the tips, and what they can do for our fading environment. Remember, Be green, Stay green! Thanks!

This paper on going green is property of Good2begreen, a site that teaches everyone ways to be green. Any unauthorized copy of this material is illegal, since Good2begreen claims all rights to this paper.
Written by Yuki K-B, and green video written, produced, filmed, and acted by Samar F. and Yuki K-B.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Week tip

 Okay, the first tip of the week is...

Don't throw away your old toys away!!! They'll just end up in landfills creating more and more waste on our polluted planet. Instead, have a garage sale! Trade with friends! Sell them at a flea market! Sell them on eBay! Make some money while being green.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tip of the WEEK

Hello everyone,

It is getting hard to fit a tip every day into our busy schedules, so we are announcing the tip of the week. Same style as before, just once every week. Sorry for the inconvenience! Our video is going to go up soon, we are editing it now. Our essay is going well, too. You'll be super green now! After we get those two things done, we are considering having a surprise print-out for you. Here's a little hint...
What do you recycle? What do you throw away?
Get ready for some big improvements!
Follow us on Twitter! Our username is green4thegood

And remember, be green, stay green.

Monday, May 31, 2010

We are so sorry!

Hello everyone,

You have probably noticed that we haven't posted a green tip in 11 days That's because of many reasons. We were having technical difficulties, and we are busy writing a script and filming a movie that teaches you (and hopefully your friends and family!) tips to be green. And, an essay is being written by one of our authors so that you can learn about going green.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Today's Green Tip

Green tip of the day is... grow an indoor garden. You don't have to drive to the store to get the food you need, you can just get it from your own backyard! This helps save money, too. Also, having more plants is very earth friendly. The more plants there are, the more carbon dioxide we breath out and the more oxygen the plants breath out, and we can breath more. Remember, be green, stay green.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Green Tip of the Day

Todays green tip of the day is...using your fireplace. We all love roasting marshmallows and eating smores, but keep in mind that wood fireplaces are extermly bad for the planet. Try not to use your wood fireplaces as much or convert them into gas fireplaces. Wood fireplaces collect smoke in the air, and smoke doesn't make the air safe to breath. Just remember Be Green, Stay Green.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Green Tip of The Day

Today the Green Tip of The Day is...paper usage. I'm sure a lot of you guys love to draw on your free time or even paint, but when you do, keep in mind that you could be wasting a lot of paper. When you mess up, instead of using a whole new sheet, try to use the back of your paper. This keeps our community greener because the process in which paper is made involves cutting down trees, and this not only harms us, but animals that use these trees as a home. So remember, that whenever your doing something you enjoy, you can also be doing something that can help the environment. Don't forget, Be Green, Stay Green

Monday, May 17, 2010

Today's Green Tip

Sorry everyone! We apologize for not posting a green tip yesterday, because our staff was very busy. Here are TWO tips for yesterday AND today.

Rinse, lather, DON'T REPEAT! When taking a shower, try and shorten it to as little time as possible but still get what you need to do done. This helps save water as well as saving money. Think about it, while some people in Africa are dying of thirst, you are just showering away.

Yesterday's tip:
BRING A REUSABLE BAG! Using plastic over and over again and just throwing it away makes it end up in landfills. In some towns, they have a law that no stores are allowed to give out plastic bags. At some stores, such as Trader Joes, you can enter a raffle if you bring your own bag. There's some incentive!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Today's Green Tip

Today's green tip is...
Say NO to Styrofoam! Styrofoam is very bad for the environment. You can't recycle or compost it, so you have to throw it away. It takes over 1 million years to decompose! That means that every Styrofoam cup you drink coffee out of is another million years it's going to be there. Bring a re-usable mug or bottle with you whenever you go to the store or go to eat out. This is a nice mug that Starbucks sells:
You can drink green while you think green!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Todays Green Tip

Todays green tip of the day is... save electricity. You can save electricity by turning off your lights when you leave your room, or any other place. This is good for the enviornment because it saves money, as well as helping it with less production. Always remember to turn off lights that are not being used around the house, or anywhere you go. Visit this website for more ways on how to save electricity: http://environmentpsychology.com/save_electricity.htm

Don't forget, Be Green, Stay Green

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Today's Green Tip

Today's tip of the day is...
Whenever you have the chance, bike instead of driving. This helps to reduce the greenhouse gases which cause global warming to happen. Because of global warming, the glaciers are melting and the polar bears are dying out, making them an endangered species. For more information about greenhouse gases, go to http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/emissions/index.html. United States Environmental Protection Agency has a lot of good information on many topics such as recycling, greenhouse gases, drinking water, and much much more!

Follow us on Twitter! Our username is: Green4thegood

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Today's Green Tip

Today's green tip is...
In the winter, don't turn your radiator up to full blast. Instead, wear lots of layers! And in the summer, don't crank the air-conditioning up, wear very little layers. This helps to save energy in your house, as well as lower your electricity bill!
Be green, stay green.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Welcome to Good2begreen

Hi there,

Here at good2begreen, you will learn many helpful tips and ways in which you can help your environment and community while having lots of fun. There will be videos, tip of the day, and maybe fun print outs and contests. Some of the print outs will be a record of what you did today that was green and helped the environment. Also, we might host contests of who can or did the most green things this month, such as biking instead of driving, picking up trash, saving electricity etc. Our videos will also be about whats green and whats not and more tips. Feel free to check out our blog at anytime time and post comments so we can improve our blog. Remember, our motto is: Be Green, Stay Green.
