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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Welcome Back!

Hey everyone!

We know it's been a long summer, so we just wanted to make sure you had a good one. Halloween  is just around the corner, so here are some tips on making it green.

-Use a reusable bag for trick-or-treating
-Make your own costume! Share your creativity as well as helping save the environment by not buying a store-bought costume that's made out of plastic and more yucky materials.
-Throw away those wrappers! When you're done with the fun, throw it away and everbody won!

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Our Video!

Now you can watch our video right here!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Green Flash!!!!

Hey Guys,

So if you have been following us you pretty much know that we have posted a lot of tips for you guys to follow and try. Well just following our tips is a big help in your community, but not only can you follow our tips, but you can record them! Tomorrow we will post a green schedule that will able you to record what you did that day that helped the environment.So be on the lookout for when we post our schedule! If by any chance u have problems opening up or using the schedule please let us know by simply posting a comment on one of our posts. Remember: Be Green, Stay Green

Friday, July 2, 2010

New Staff Member

Good2begreen is proud to announce a new staff member. We now have an editor! He will help us edit our posts. Congratulations, editor Hunter!

Share our blog! Share good2begreen with your friends, family, foes, etc. Make the community a better place.

Want to watch a video on how to be green? Well watch our video! The password is go green
. There is no space. Here is the link: http://vimeo.com/12756313

And remember, be green, stay green.

Tip of the Week

Cow Meat- Eco-Friendly?

Definitely not. Think about it, you want nice, juicy steak or beef, right? Not thin with little flavor. So to make this meat taste better, the source of the meat, A.K.A cows, need to eat more of their food, grass. They need a lot of grass, which means a lot of land. This also costs more money. Technically, eating smaller things like, well, bugs, would be a lot better for your wallet, health, and environment. Bugs: don't need land, they are easy, free, and you can grill them yourself. Plus, sometimes there are growth hormones in cow-produced meat.

Here's a fact that may sound funny, but is actually serious: Everyone farts. It's natural. And with our farts, we produce small amounts of methane, which very slightly hurts the environment. Cow farts hurt a lot more. They produce a lot more methane, which is a HUGE factor in Global Warming. In fact, "The United Nations has declared the methane from cow emissions the "'greatest threat to the climate, forests, and wildlife.'" Livestock emissions are responsible for 18% of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming. That's more than all forms of transportation put together." Cited directly from: http://ask.yahoo.com/20070419.html
That's a lot of cow farts.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Share with your friends

Share our site everywhere! Follow us on Twitter!

The more the green, the merrier.

Remember, be green, stay green.

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